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I am delighted to write this review for the LipoFuse-C! Its taste is fantastic compared to other products on the market. It has made a significant difference in my energy levels, and I love that I can enjoy it without breaking the bank. I highly recommend LipoFuse-C to anyone looking for a delicious way to boost their energy!

 - Kate

Rejuvenate Your Body and Mind With


Every drop of our liposomal vitamin-C is a testament to our dedication to quality. We handpick each ingredient, ensuring its purity, potency, and bioavailability. Our LipoFuse-C is derived from organic and Non-GMO sources, carefully harvested to retain its natural goodness. The Liposomal fusion process, which enhances absorption, results from our relentless pursuit of excellence.

  • image of a capsule of vitamin-c

    2g Of Vitamin C Per serving

    Vitamin-C takes centre stage as a paramount element, showcasing an array of unparalleled health benefits. Its pivotal role in fortifying the immune system, by magnifying immune cell production and activity, stands as truly remarkable. Moreover, vitamin-C takes on the responsibility of an immensely potent antioxidant, effectively safeguarding cells against the detrimental effects of free radicals, and profoundly nurturing skin well-being through its indispensable role in collagen synthesis.

  • image of organic stevia

    Organic Xylitol and Stevia, Natural Flavours

    Organic stevia and organic xylitol are wonderful choices for your health-conscious journey! Stevia, a natural sweetener derived from the stevia plant, offers a calorie-free sweetness. In contrast, xylitol, sourced from plants like birch trees or organic corn cobs, promotes dental health and helps maintain stable blood sugar levels, allowing you to savour the sweetness of life while embracing a wholesome, nourishing lifestyle! 

  • image of  GMO-free soy lecithin

    Non - GMO Soy Lecithin

    Discover the wonders of non-GMO soy lecithin! This natural gem offers heart support, boosts brain function, aids liver detox, empowers weight management, nourishes skin, and uplifts emotions. With essential phospholipids, it regulates cholesterol, improves memory, and curbs cravings. Embrace this powerful ally for a healthier, vibrant life!

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3 bottles of liposomal vitamin-c lipofuse-c

The Benefits of LipoFuse -C

Elevate health with LipoFuse-C, a pioneering liposomal Vitamin-C supplement. Nano-bubble protection ensures swift absorption, fortifying immunity, combating fatigue, and promoting collagen. Unleash vitality effortlessly.

2 bottles of liposomal vitac lipofuse-c in a bowl of ice

Immune Support

LipoFuse - C (Liposomal vitamin-C), a revolutionary form of this essential nutrient, empowers your immune system like never before! Encased in tiny liposomes, it delivers vitamin C directly to your cells, ensuring maximum absorption and effectiveness. Elevate your body's defence system to heroic levels, enabling it to fight off illnesses with unwavering zeal. Embrace this potent shield against infections, illnesses, and fatigue, and unlock a world of vibrant health and unstoppable energy. Embrace the transformative power of liposomal vitamin-C, and let your immune system soar to new heights, making each day an invigorating journey towards a robust, resilient, and thriving life!

3 bottles of liposomal vitamin-c lipofuse-c on the wooden table in an orchard

Liposomal vitamin-C, a dazzling antioxidant powerhouse, breathes life into your body like a radiant sunrise! Embrace the enchanting magic of this remarkable nutrient as it battles harmful free radicals with unyielding passion, preserving your cells from oxidative stress. Liposomal technology showers your cells in a torrent of protection, ensuring optimal absorption and invigorating results. Feel the spark of rejuvenation course through your veins, unwinding the hands of time and revealing a youthful glow. Embrace the radiant energy of liposomal vitamin-C and let it encourage your journey towards a future brimming with vitality, beauty, and ageless allure!

an orange on a table spoon

Skin health

Indulge your skin in the blissful embrace of liposomal vitamin-C, a radiant elixir that transforms your complexion into a canvas of sheer brilliance! Feel the empowering touch of this luxurious nutrient as it revives and rejuvenates your skin, erasing the traces of time and revealing a luminous glow. Embrace the enchanting fusion of science and nature, as liposomal technology ensures this miracle potion penetrates deeply, revitalizing from within. Unleash your skin's true radiance, a testament to your inner beauty and self-care. Embrace the transformative power of liposomal vitamin-C, and let your skin bloom into a timeless masterpiece, captivating hearts and inspiring admiration at every glance!

a bottle of liposomal vitamin-c lipofuse-c

Heart health

Embark on a heart-healthy odyssey with the awe-inspiring benefits of liposomal vitamin-C! This dynamic elixir fuels your cardiovascular system with unwavering enthusiasm, guarding it against the storms of oxidative damage and inflammation. Feel the power of life course through your veins as this remarkable antioxidant fortifies your heart, ensuring a harmonious and steadfast rhythm.Embrace the wonders of liposomal technology as it amplifies the absorption of this precious nutrient, granting your heart the strength to conquer life's challenges with resilience and grace. Welcome the symphony of vitality and let liposomal vitamin-C be the conductor of a heart-pounding,

extraordinary journey to a life of boundless energy and well-being!

animation of liposomal vitamin-c lipofuse-c nurishing the brain and the neuro system

Cognitive support

Ignite the brilliance of your mind with the phenomenal cognitive support of liposomal vitamin-C! Unleash the power of this remarkable nutrient as it nourishes your brain with boundless enthusiasm, shielding it from the wear and tear of daily life. Feel mental clarity and focus soar to new heights as this potent antioxidant fights off oxidative stress and supports cognitive function. Embrace the extraordinary fusion of cutting-edge liposomal technology, delivering this brain-boosting elixir precisely where it's needed most. Embrace the journey to a sharper, brighter, and more alert mind, and let liposomal vitamin-C be the key to unlocking your intellectual potential and inspiring a life of limitless knowledge!

The table of Nutritional information for 250mL of liposomal vitamin-c lipofuse-c and serving size

Nutritional Information

Liposomal Vitamin-C offers a potent dose of immune-boosting Vitamin C with minimal calories and fat. It contains essential nutrients like Inositol, Phosphatidylcholine, and plant-sourced Phosphatidylserine. The formulation combines Ascorbic Acid and Sodium Ascorbate for Vitamin-C. Infused with Non-GMO Soy Lecithin, Organic Xylitol, Organic Stevia, and natural flavors, it provides a balanced nutritional profile in a convenient, liposomal delivery system.

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Comparison Table 

With other brand similar product


High potency 

Absorption Efficiency 100nm

Ingredient Quality 


Shelf Life

Formulation Purity


Great Taste

a bottle of liposomal vitamin-c lipofuse-c

LipoFuse - C

other brands bottle

Other Brands


High potency 

Absorption Efficiency 

Ingredient Quality 


Shelf Life

Formulation Purity


Great Taste

Other Brands

Differentiation Point 1

Differentiation Point 2

Differentiation Point 3

Differentiation Point 4

Differentiation Point 5

Differentiation Point 6

Differentiation Point 7

Differentiation Point 8

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100% Money-Back Guarantee

If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, then you may return your order for a full refund with no questions asked.

We pledge to provide you with the highest levels of value, quality, and personal service available, so your complete satisfaction is guaranteed.

Frequently Asked Questions

Need help finding an answer to your question? Ask our customer support at support@foodtechhub.com.au

What is Vitamin-C and why is it important?

Vitamin-C is a water-soluble vitamin crucial in various bodily functions. It's known for its antioxidant properties, aiding collagen production, immune system support, wound healing, cognition and more.

Is it better to get Vitamin-C from supplements or food sources?

Obtaining Vitamin-C from a balanced diet is preferred, as whole foods combine nutrients. Supplements can be helpful when dietary intake falls short, but they should complement a healthy diet.

What is liposomal Vitamin-C?

Liposomal Vitamin-C involves encapsulating the vitamin within lipid molecules to enhance absorption. This form of delivery can potentially lead to higher bioavailability compared to traditional supplements.

How does Liposomal vitamin-C differ from Vitamin-C in a tablet?

Liposomal vitamin-C stands apart from regular tablet vitamin-C due to its unique delivery system. Liposomes are tiny spheres made of phospholipids that encase vitamin-C at their core. Unlike standard vitamin-C tablets, liposomal vitamin-C bypasses the need for specific transporters and instead directly fuses with small intestinal cells, releasing vitamin-C directly into cells for efficient absorption into the bloodstream. This innovative approach leads to significantly higher absorption rates compared to traditional supplements. The phospholipid coating mimics cell membranes, allowing liposomes to seamlessly merge with cells, ensuring optimal nutrient delivery.

What are the common side effects of Liposomal Vitamin-C?

Liposomal Vitamin-C offers myriad benefits, yet understanding potential side effects is vital, as with any supplement. Initially, digestive discomfort like bloating or cramping may arise, especially at the beginning. Nonetheless, commencing with a modest measure, like a teaspoon, for several days can alleviate this. Subsequently, heightened vitamin-C intake might lead to mild diarrhea. Additionally, high doses could interact with select medications due to enhanced absorption via liposomal delivery. Rare but possible soy allergies necessitate vigilant monitoring. Lastly, excessive consumption could disrupt sleep patterns, causing insomnia or tiredness. Embracing a gradual approach and attentive self-observation ensures optimal gains from liposomal Vitamin-C. Consult your GP or pharmacist for personalized guidance.

When to take Liposomal Vitamin-C?

Timing when to take liposomal Vitamin-C can influence its absorption and potential benefits. Here's a guide to help you decide:

With Meals: Taking liposomal Vitamin-C with meals can enhance absorption as it's often accompanied by dietary fats. Liposomal delivery may work synergistically with fats, potentially increasing the absorption of Vitamin-C.

In the Morning: Many people prefer taking supplements, including Vitamin-C, in the morning to kickstart their day. It can also provide an antioxidant boost to counteract oxidative stress from overnight.

Spread Throughout the Day: Splitting into smaller amounts and taking them at different times throughout the day can help maintain a steady level of Vitamin-C in your system.

Pre-Workout: Some individuals take liposomal Vitamin-C before workouts due to its potential role in collagen synthesis and supporting the immune system, which might benefit physical exertion.

Consult Your Healthcare Provider: If you're taking liposomal Vitamin-C for specific health reasons, such as immune support or other health concerns, consulting your healthcare provider can provide personalized advice on the best timing for your needs.

Remember, consistency in taking liposomal Vitamin-C is key, and finding a routine that works for you and aligns with your daily activities is essential for maximizing its potential benefits.

Do I have to refrigerate Liposomal Vitamin-C?

Our LipoFuse-C is designed and tested to retain its quality, taste, and shelf-life even when not refrigerated for a few days so that it can be safely sent via regular post. Still, for optimal results, refrigerate upon receipt..

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